了解更多 about applying, visiting campus, and ways to connect with Southern Seminary.
回顾我们的 十大体彩体彩在线购买购买推荐排名要求.
Create an account and begin your application at the link below.
Request your church/pastor recommendation through our online application (更多信息).
联系 your previous schools to request official copies of your transcripts are sent to Southern Seminary admissions.
The application will provide 更多信息rmation.
If you are in your last year of college, in-progress copies of your transcripts are acceptable for admission.
We invite you to visit Southern Seminary
满足教师, 访问类, and learn all about how Southern Seminary will equip you for a Lifetime of Faithfulness.
+ - - - - - - we’ll cover 2 nights of hotel lodging for you and your immediate family on your first visit to campus.
Travel reimbursement may be available if you’re considering relocating to 路易斯维尔.
有问题? Our dedicated team of admissions counselors is here to help every step of the way. Here are some answers to common questions.
Standard admissions requirements include:
- 体彩在线购买申请
- Pastor/church recommendation (requested through online application)
- Official transcripts for relevant previous degrees
文凭 and doctoral 项目 may have differing/additional requirements. 点击这里 了解更多.
All applicants must receive official endorsement from the local church where they are a member. This endorsement is provided through the online recommendation form located in the application. After you enter your recommender’s information, they will be automatically e-mailed a link to an electronic copy of the recommendation form.
点击这里 了解更多.
联系 the registrar or academic records office of your previous institution(s). They may e-mail the transcripts (directly or via 3rd party such as Parchment) to admissions@icomputerfair.com or mail copies to our mailing address C/O Office of 十大体彩体彩在线购买购买推荐排名
No. You will utilize the same application with the same requirements, just be sure you mark your location as either “Internet” or “Main Campus” depending on your interest.
是的. Students with previous divinity credit may be able to transfer their credit into 项目 at Southern Seminary.
Make sure to add your previous school to the “Academic 历史” tab of the application and request official transcripts from your transfer school(s) are sent to Southern Seminary.
看到我们的 转学分页面 了解更多信息.
Residential courses follow a traditional Fall/Spring semester, with winter and summer terms also available.
Online courses operate in 8 week terms, with 6 terms throughout the year.
点击这里 to view our current Academic Year class schedule.
Students are coming from the ends of the earth to train for ministry at Southern.
Complete your ministry training at Southern Seminary. Learn about transfer credits and more.
En un mundo que cambia de manera rápida, Dios exhorta a su pueblo a permanecer firme en sus convicciones evangélicas.
You can start your application anytime
Once all application materials are received, you’ll have an admissions decision in 1-3 business days.